On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, I attended the monthy State Board meeting at the NYS FOP Headquarters in Hicksville. Several issues were discussed.
- FOP Plates Program: The License Plate Program is going strong
- Good of the Lodge: There is a new benefit offered for refinancing student loan debt. Go to: collegeave.com/foprefi. Is your Lodge celebrating a milestone anniversary this year? Please let me, Mike Nied know as far in advance as possible via an email, fop38prez@aol.com so that I may request the National Lodge issue a specail certificate to be sent to you to commemorate the occasion. Headquarters is in
need of plumbing work for the buildings basement, there is a leak that will cost approximately $5,000.
- NYS FOP President's Report: President, Mike Essig There will be a electronic blast and or a mailed questionaire asking for each lodges choice for President: Joe Biden or
Donald Trump. There is to be NO personal endorsement of a candidate. This also goes for any politician that seeks an endorsement from individual lodges.
- The FOP Legislative Committee: Under the NY "Safe Act", members were reminded that a Health Professional is able to pull your firearm.
- Charity Committee: None
- Zone Presidents: Gave their reports.
- N.Y.S. FOP Disaster Assistance Reponse Team: None
- Secretary's Report: Secretary, Lauren Holz, stated that compliance was the biggest issue and urged All Lodges to contact their Zone Presidents for
assistance. Income Tax forms MUST be filed with the IRS.
- Survivor's Aide: State Secretary, Lauren Holz read the names of nine (9) FOP Active members who passed away and asked for a motion to approve a payment of $250 for each member.
Motion was unanimously approved. Lodges must submit a list of members over the age of 62 (For survivors aide purposes) to make sure there is (NO break in service). Dr Ente,
Police Surgeons Lodge donated $5,000 to the Survivors Aid Fund.
- State FOP Foundation: None
- National Memorial: None
- NYS Empire State Police Officer Memorial: Our State FOP Memorial was held on May 4, 2024. The 2024 Memorial held in Hicksville was attended by over 700 guests, making it the
largest. All Lodges were asked to donate to help cover the cost.
- National FOP: The National FOP continues to offer benefits for the membership to avail themselves of. They are listed on the National FOP website at www.fop.net. Use of the FOP logo is strictly prohibited without prior authorization of the FOP.
- National FOP Covid-19 Information: The FOP continues to maintain a dedicated website, www.fopcovid19.org, with updates on
relevant news for our members.
- Chairrman of the Trustees: None
- National Trustees Report: email at fop38prez@aol.com or text/call @ (631) 383-1310. For a complete current PDF
"National Trustee Report" from NY Trustee, Mike Nied, go to DOWNLOADS/FORMS on this website.
- State FOP Scholarship Committee: You can also download the 2022 Scholarship Form here: Go to DOWNLOADS/FORMS on this website.
- Treasurers Report: Treasurer: None
- NYS Conference: None
- National FOP Conference: National Trustee, Mike Nied stated that there were four (4) amendments passed at the National Convention. He asked
that a motion be made to accept the amendments as submitted. Motion was approved. The 2023 convention will be held in Las Vegas, NV and 2025 will be held in Miami,
- Guest Speaker: None
- Next State Trustee's Meeting: TBD in September
The State also wanted to remind members about the Copyright of the FOP logo. If you make anything with the FOP logo you must obtain permission.
The State will be conducting audits of the lodge paperwork. One of the main issues they will be checking is to see if the member has
submitted a copy of his or her law enforcement ID active or retired. This has become an issue with the insurance company that holds the AD & D life insurance policy for the FOP. If a member has
passed away and a claim is filed for the insurance the lodge must produce a copy of the members signed application as well as a copy of his or her active or retired photo ID. If the lodge does not
have this the claim will be turned down. So if the member has not yet submitted a copy of his or her ID please do so at once. If you are an associate member you must submit a copy of your drivers
Remember to always check the State Lodge website at www.nysfop.org and Lodge 81 website at www.nysfop81.org for additional information about
any upcoming events, meetings dates etc.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sonny Maxon
State Trustee Lodge 81